Professional Plumbing Maintenance Services
The repair to fix the water leak is usually simple, and the restoration bill is the big one.
The Right Plan
Preventive Plumbing Maintenance
Having a good preventative maintenance plan in place is critical for any home or business owner to avoid plumbing emergencies and the large cost of clean up and damage repair. The most important part of having a preventative maintenance plan in place is to have the right plan. A busy restaurant has different needs than a single family home. The best starting point for a good preventative maintenance plan is to have an inspection done by a competent plumbing service professional to determine the exact plumbing needs of an individual plumbing system.
Professional Plumbing Inspection: Don’t wait until it breaks
The subsequent water damage repair costs and loss of irreplaceable valuables, far outweighs the unexpected timing of an emergency to save money.
Know About
What are the areas of risk from sewage/ domestic water damage?
If sewage or water backs up into your home/business, the water will damage anything in its path, whether inside the wall, hardwood floor, and even priceless valuables. The loss/damage can be entirely avoidable. Sewage is foul, and concealed water leaks cause heavy damage with mold. Anything of value should be elevated above the floor and a home inspection should be done to determine what is at risk and what can be done.
We’re On It!
Emergency Services Available – 30 Minute Response Time.
A Water Pressure Test Is Easy To Take
Check your water pressure!
In most homes the water pressure is 45-65 psi. Sometimes it can be over 140 psi going into a home. Low water pressure issues are rare, and the low pressure is caused by something else. State plumbing code calls for water pressure to be brought down from anything over 80 psi with a pressure-reducing valve. High water pressure wreaks havoc on domestic water piping and all apertures connected to it until the high pressure is brought down. High water pressure causes the toilet fill valve, water heater, faucet cartridges and washers to break fast. The constant banging and jolting on the pipes make them prone to break inside the wall, or on a braided steel supply line. Installing a pressure-reducing valve with the proper thermal expansion protection will eliminate a high pressure problem. A water pressure test is easy to take, and can be done in less than 1 minute.
Check The Functionality
Visually inspect your plumbing.
Check the functionality of the emergency shut off valves by turning them on and off to ensure they are not frozen in place. The valve is no good in an emergency if you can not turn it on.
Note: If you do this, there is the possibility water can come out at the stem.
This can be resolved if you tighten the packing nut by 1/8 of a turn clockwise or less. Know the location of all shut off valves and mark them for their respective piping or fixtures to be isolated. Take a close look with a flashlight under the sinks, in the basement or crawlspace, and anywhere there is plumbing for leaks, or the remnants of one that may be intermittent. Check the integrity of all existing piping and installations for deterioration and defects. Make sure there are no drips. Put food coloring in the toilet tank to see if it seeps through into the bowl. We recommend running a camera through the sewer to determine if there is any root growth, residual grease, or any other obstructions in the sewer main.